A new proposed North Lougheed Connector—cut through our farm again!
Originally uploaded by Formosa Nursery, Organic Blueberry Farm
More highways are being planned through our farm, most likely for commercial development. Will more highways really mean better traffic flow or just encourage more cars to use these roads? Is this the only solution that short-minded governments and planners could think of? Vancouver and other forward-thinking municipalities have long ago learned that more highways are not the solution. Other, more community-minded solutions exist. The Pitt Meadow and Maple Ridge municipal governments and Translink are building more highways to promoting the growth of the local economy, but they forgot what is more valuable and is worth keeping right at their door. These proposed highways, etc., are one-size-fits-all solutions to community planning that are homogenizing our towns and cities and destroying our valuable heritage and land resources (like our rare and valuable organic farms) that so many in different people in communities across the Lower Mainland rely on. Where else will we find another wonderful farm? This one we have has already made so many people happy and has so much wonderful history organically. The highway means keeping the farm organic is unlikely.
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