Dear all
1) 傳媒和很多關心農場的朋友都以為事情已經解决,事情不是這樣的,事實是我們被政府官員欺騙了。政府用這樣的手斷來欺負老百姓是很令人氣憤的。我的心很痛,痛的不單是30多年的心血所開建的有機農場被毁,還有政府辦事的方法、被騙和受到欺負。
2) 去年10/11月,我們向傳媒講述政府要改變公路路線強行切開寶島農場。23/11政府的負責人與我們會面,說會在公路完成後修復我們的農場,就如公路未建立時一樣,著我們可以好好睡覺,但條件是no media和no NDP。
3) 我們相信了他們的說話,並且按照他們的指示聘請專家Ernest & Young撰寫報告評估農場的損失。
4) 在4月一個早上6am當我們仍在睡夢中,推土機便開進了我們的農場.( 双方律師尚在談判中)
5) 工程迅速地進行,但政府在修復、賠償方面卻在拖,並且開始不認賬,找律師來貶低我們農場和否定專家的評估報告。
6) 在收地補償上,政府的報告認為我們只是ㄧ般種植有機蔬菜農地。給我們的補償與鄰近農地的市價是至少有一倍差異。推平破壞了我們的農場並開這樣不合理的價錢,這種手段,是民主政府做事的方式嗎?
7) 當初政府祕密改變公路路線,就是要拿我們的優質農地去發展,是一步一步地迫我們放棄這個由我爸爸媽媽辛苦建立的祖業。我實在忍無可忍,所以向傳媒講出實情,告發我們這個欺負老百姓的無良政府。我的先生從小就在加拿大成長.他一直向我說加拿大人是重誠信的,我們真的想不到政府可以這樣不守信用,不講公義。
有心人士, 並請賜教, 給予意見
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Another road to chop off our wonderland!

A new proposed North Lougheed Connector—cut through our farm again!
Originally uploaded by Formosa Nursery, Organic Blueberry Farm
More highways are being planned through our farm, most likely for commercial development. Will more highways really mean better traffic flow or just encourage more cars to use these roads? Is this the only solution that short-minded governments and planners could think of? Vancouver and other forward-thinking municipalities have long ago learned that more highways are not the solution. Other, more community-minded solutions exist. The Pitt Meadow and Maple Ridge municipal governments and Translink are building more highways to promoting the growth of the local economy, but they forgot what is more valuable and is worth keeping right at their door. These proposed highways, etc., are one-size-fits-all solutions to community planning that are homogenizing our towns and cities and destroying our valuable heritage and land resources (like our rare and valuable organic farms) that so many in different people in communities across the Lower Mainland rely on. Where else will we find another wonderful farm? This one we have has already made so many people happy and has so much wonderful history organically. The highway means keeping the farm organic is unlikely.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Our fighting with The Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority
This news came to our attention about 4 years ago. The Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, known as TransLink, decided to build the Abernathy Connector for the Golden Ears Bridge. Despite countless petitions and numerous protests to the TransLink, the bulldozers came in 6AM in April 2007 without notice, and tore our farm into 2. Hundreds and thousands more than 30 years old mature organic blueberry trees that were planted by my parents had been destroyed. This project has threaten our organic status since.
TransLink refused to move the connect way 30 meters south, along the south edge of our farm. They claimed it would cost too much of taxpayers. They promised to give us fair compensation if we kept quiet and gave no further protest. Since the construction started, our lawyers contact TransLink and receive minimal respond. The TransLink is quieter than we are. We then realize our lives have been jeopardize.
Our heart has been torn apart as our land is disappearing in front of our eyes. Our lives will never be the same. We were once proud to be a Canadian, but now we doubt our government has failed to protect the interests of their citizens. We feel deeply hopeless, but our two children are depending on us, so does countless families who we share great memories together.
We did, however, get many supports from local NDP, MLA, media, communities, and families. We aim to show the photos of our farm before and after this incident. We hope your help to spread the news and raise the awareness of protecting our valuable farmland.
You could see our collections of photos by log on:
TransLink refused to move the connect way 30 meters south, along the south edge of our farm. They claimed it would cost too much of taxpayers. They promised to give us fair compensation if we kept quiet and gave no further protest. Since the construction started, our lawyers contact TransLink and receive minimal respond. The TransLink is quieter than we are. We then realize our lives have been jeopardize.
Our heart has been torn apart as our land is disappearing in front of our eyes. Our lives will never be the same. We were once proud to be a Canadian, but now we doubt our government has failed to protect the interests of their citizens. We feel deeply hopeless, but our two children are depending on us, so does countless families who we share great memories together.
We did, however, get many supports from local NDP, MLA, media, communities, and families. We aim to show the photos of our farm before and after this incident. We hope your help to spread the news and raise the awareness of protecting our valuable farmland.
You could see our collections of photos by log on:
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Formosa Nursery is bisected by Translink
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